Sirous Kavehercy - Darts Group Interview

DartGroup Greenspot Session on Culture

Interview with DartGroup Interview Transcript in English What does the statement ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ mean to you? What is the cultural context of the digital revolution? Are marketers and communication specialists sufficiently aware of culture? Why should everyone come to the Greenspot on the 19th of March and what would they miss if […]

Facebook’s Challenges, A Global Perspective

Will Facebook Turn 15? On the 19th of February 2014 Facebook announced it is buying WhatsApp for $12 billion in stock and $4 billion in cash. There have been numerous speculations about the motivations of Facebook to do this.  WhatsApp, with its 450 million active users, was becoming a serious threat to Facebook. Besides the fact […]

Interview With Digital Hungary About Open And Free Internet

Last month I was invited to speak at Internet Hungary Conference 2013. Below is my interview with the website Digital Hungary about the importance of a free and open internet and our opportunities and responsibilities towards it. The original interview is in Hungarian and can be found here. Below is a Google translation of the […]

Internet, Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Time To Reboot!

This presentation was given at Internet Hungary on the 15th of October 2013. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein As you may agree, internet has increasingly become a destination for us rather than a useful tool. We refer to internet through commercial brands (Facebook, […]

The New Relevant – Advertising & Digital Media- Media Hungary

The presentation I gave at Media Hungary 2013 in Siofok on May 14th. What does it mean to be “relevant”? We all have our own interpretations. Media landscape has changed and with it our social behavior and perceptions of relevance. This presentation discusses The New Relevant and presents a few case studies. Special credits and […]

Tripylon Media On BNR, Business News Radio

Op woensdag 19 september jl. presenteerde Sirous Kavehercy het concept van So Me Events tijdens een bijeenkomst van de BNR Business Club, thema “Wat staat ondernemend Nederland te wachten na de verkiezingen?”. Tijdens deze presentatie en de daaropvolgende vraag- en antwoordsessie werd er ingegaan op hoe evenementen relevanter en doelgerichter kunnen worden door crowdsourcing- en […]